10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles

Workouts give countless advantages. It boosts your immune system, increases your bone health and lowers health dangers like heart problem, diabetes, and many more life-threatening complications. With the growing family responsibilities, exercise takes a backseat in the list of the advantages. Most of us give brilliant reasons for not exercising regularly.

'The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. ...'

Being too busy is the most common reason one makes. But, with proper outlining, you can take some time out of your exciting schedule for your future own well-being. There is no difficulty that a normal workout is the best way to live a fit and healthy life.

You start at home! It may look a little complicated at the beginning to start the workout without an instructor. Start with a quick session of easy-to-do exercises. Basically, these workouts need no equipment. You can use your body weight itself as a piece of equipment.

10 best exercises for beginners are here:

  1. Skipping
  2. Pushups
  3. Squats
  4. Situps
  5. Jumping Jacks
  6. Pull ups
  7. Lunges
  8. Cross Crunch's
  9. Side Planks
  10. Planks
It is definitely possible to work hard at home if you're energetic about how you use the environment. Why these 10 workouts will rock your body? Let's read out full article now to find out more information about these exercises benefits and how we can do that.

1. Skipping

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles

Skipping ropes can burn 10 calories in a minute and also increase your legs, butt, shoulders, belly, and arms. In common, you can burn 200 calories in 10 minutes of work each day. It is more powerful than active walking.

There are various benefits of skipping rope from losing weight to decreasing the chances of cancer. Skipping rope is a great calorie-burner and enhances the cardiovascular system.


  • Improves heart health
  • Increases concentration
  • Improves coordination
  • Enhances stamina and gets rid of fatigue
  • Boosts body flexibility 
  • Boost mental health
  • Decreases belly fat
  • Strengthening your bones
  • Glows your skin 
  • Improve pulmonary function

Skipping ropes increases blood circulation and breathing which eventually enhances your lung capacity.

2. Pushups

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles

Push-ups are an effective workout for increasing the chest and arm muscles.

'You can't read about push ups. ...'

How's do it: Get down on the ground your hands shoulder-width aside. Ensure your body makes a straight line. Start to lower your body keeping elbows close to your body. Push back to starting high plank position.


  • Build chest and muscles
  • Build more stamina in muscles
  • Protect Your Shoulders from Injury
  • Improve Your Posture
  • Prevent Lower Back Injuries
  • Increase Testosterone

3. Squats

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles

It benefits you get in better shape when involved in the daily workout strategy. Increases lower body muscles for men. It can be done in many turns.

How's do it: Start with the hips back with back accurate, chest and shoulders up. Bend your knees and squat down holding them in line with your feet. Start with 25 squats a day and then increase.

4. Situps

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles
Situps are excellent intestinal workouts done by lying on your back and lifting your body. They use your body weight to increase and tone the core-stabilizing intestinal muscles.

Situps work the rectus abdominis, intersecting abdominis, and obliques in addition to your hip flexors, chest, and neck. They encourage good posture by working your lower back and gluteal muscles.

With a larger scale of movement, situps target more muscles than crunches and static core exercises. This makes them an ideal addition to your fitness performance. Learn about some of the benefits of situps, how to do them, and variations.


  • Core strength
  • Improved muscle mass
  • Athletic performance
  • Better balance and stability
  • Increased flexibility
  • Improved posture
  • Reduced risk of back pain and injury

Situps are useful in developing and keeping a strong core that benefits all types of movement. They are a great addition to a total-body workout routine that involves aerobic activity and strength training.

5. Jumping Jacks

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles

This workout targets the entire body. Jumping jacks are the best cardio workouts. There are several benefits of adding it to your everyday exercise plan. It executes your heart more powerful, makes muscles stronger, helps in weight loss, builds stronger bones, and helps reduce stress. It makes you stronger, flexible by developing your and stamina.

How's do it: Stand upright with your feet together and hands on your sides. Jump along with raising your arms above your head and bring your feet apart. Turn the action instantly and come back to the initial position. Start doing it faster.

6. Pull Ups

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles
A pullup is an upper-body muscle training workout. To produce a pullup, you start by hanging onto a pullup bar your body extended fully. You then pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar. Pullups are different from a chin-up. With a chin up, your palms and hands face moving you.

The pullup is recognized as an advanced workout. It’s more challenging than the chin-up. But the pull-up can be changed on an assisted machine for beginners, and you’ll still get benefits from these modifications.


  • Increase the back muscles
  • Build the arm and shoulder muscles
  • Develop grip strength
  • Promote overall body fitness level
  • Enhance physical health
  • Improve mental health

7. Lunges

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles

Lunges are a very good workout on the core that supports you increase your lower body and movement in your hips.

How's do it: Lower your hip continuously both keens bent in 90 degree angle. Step ahead with one leg while holding your top body straight and relaxed. Come back to your original position holding the weight in your heels.

8. Cross Crunches

Muscle & Fitness

It’s a more productive and relaxed workout for abs. It increases the core and strengthens your inside muscles.

How's do: Lie flat on your back. Bend your knees with feet flat on the floor. Put both hands loosely behind your head. Now, bring your right shoulder and elbow over your body, and at the same time bring up your left knee towards your left shoulder. Try to touch your knee with an elbow. Go back to the initial position and repeat the same with the left elbow.

9. Side Planks

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles
It increases oblique and helps your build stronger your abs.

How's do it: Start on your side with feet together while holding your forearm under your shoulder. Now casually put your hip until your body forms a straight line from head to feet. Keep on to the position and repeat on the other side too!

10. Planks

10 best exercises for beginners at home to gain muscles

Planks are the best workout for rock-hard abs. An easy exercise for beginners for stronger abs and to increase your shoulder, arms, and back. It can be done in many turns.

How's do it: get into a pushup stance with elbows bent in 90 degrees holding your body weight on your forearms. Ensure your body produces a straight line from your head to your feet. Keep the position as long as you can.


  • Build Core Strength
  • Stability and Coordination
  • Improves Body Alignment
  • Develops Flexibility
  • Enhances Metabolism
  • Increases Mental Health

Pro Tip: Before you start up, don’t skip to warm up for at least 5 minutes! It’s important to accurately warm-up before exercising to stop any injuries. Release up your muscles and joints of every part. Walk on to get your heart pumping. Stretch yourself and then start with the daily workout!

It’s never too late to begin! Create a workout plan. Be strong-minded, take out some time from your working day, and start these easy workouts at home.  Eat healthily, dropped some calories, and stay well and strong!

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